"De vet att det finns en makt någonstans så organiserad, knappt märkbar, så vaksam, så sammankopplad, så komplett, så genomträngande, att de inte nör tala högre än de andas då de tala fördömande om den"
U.S. President Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924)
"Somliga tror till och med att att vi är del i en hemlig sammanslutning som arbetar mot USA's intressen, och karakteriserar min familj och mig som 'internationalister' och att vi konspirerar med andra runt om i världen för att bygga en mer integrerad global politisk och ekonomisk struktur, en enhetlig värld så att säga.
Ifall detta är anklagelsen, då står jag skyldig, och jag är stolt över det."
David Rockefeller (1915-2017)
"Vi står på gränsen till en global omstrukturering. Allt vi behöver är den rätta stora krisen och nationerna kommer att acceptera den nya världsordningen."
David Rockefeller talar på FNs företagskonferens 1994.
David Rockefeller (1915-2017)
"den riktiga sanningen är den, som du och jag vet, att finanselement inom de stora maktstrukturerna har ägt den amerikanska regeringen sedan Andrew Jacksons tid [president 1829-1837]."
U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933 – 1945)
"Om kongressen har fått rätten att genom konstitutionen själva trycka upp pengar, vilket har givits dem, då skall inte detta delegeras till andra individer eller företag."
U.S. President Andrew Jackson (1829-1837)
"Regeringen ska skapa, ge ut och cirkulera alla pengar och krediter som behövs för att tillgodose regeringens finansieringskraft samt konsumenternas köpkraft. Genom att anta dessa principer skulle skattebetalarna bli besparade enorma summor ränta. Pengar skulle sluta att vara mästaren och istället bli tjänaren åt mänskligheten."
U.S. President Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865)
"Det är väl att befolkningen inte förstår vårt bank- och pennings-system, för ifall de gjorde det, tror jag att det skulle bli revolution innan morgonen nästa dag."
U.S. Industrialist Henry Ford (1863-1947)
Broder Nathaniel är jude som vid vuxen ålder blivit ortodox kristen. Han avslöjar satanisternas makt i USA och även hur han manipulerades som barn i och med att han var jude.
Broder Nathanael bor i Rocky Mountains i Colorado, USA. I åtta år (1996-2005) har han engagerat sig för det offentliga uppdraget som gatu-evangelist och internet-publicist, för att skapa ett kristet medvetande och inflytande till alla sfärer av det amerikanska livet.
"Genom föra tillbaka kristna symboler till det allmänna rummet och med vårt engagemang kan vi tillsammans göra vår stiftelses vision verklighet. ”
Broder Nathaniel höll en mängd nyhets-avsnitt på youtube, innan han blev nedstängd. Nedan kan du ladda ner alla avsnitt som mp3 eller avsnitt som filmklipp.
Ladda ner alla nyhetsavsnitt i en zip-fil:
Nathaniel-Mp3-Collection.zip (1,4 GB).
Sändning | Video | Ljud |
2010-07-16 A New Vision for America | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-07-22 Breaking The Zionist Power | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-07-29 Curse Of Synagogue _ State | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-08-09 Who Owns The Media | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-08-14 International Jewry's Iran War Cry | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-08-17 How The Jewish Lobby Works | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-08-21 Who Owns The Federal Reserve Pt 1 | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-08-24 Who Owns The Federal Reserve Pt 2 | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-08-26 Who Owns The Federal Reserve Pt 3 | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-08-31 Why I Left Judaism | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-09-02 Democracy _ The Jewish Vote | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-09-04 The Real Issue Of Jewish Genes | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-09-08 9_11's Unanswered Question | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-09-10 White Anger or White Stupor | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-09-14 Israel's Stacked Deck | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-09-18 Conquest Through Immigration | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-09-23 What's Behind The Kosher Scam | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-09-28 Zionists Infiltrate The Tea Party | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-09-30 It's 'Jews for Sarah' Time! | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-10-05 Obama Boys Bail Out | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-10-07 Israel's Master Plan | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-10-11 Zionist War On The Middle Class | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-10-14 Senator Lieberman's War Crimes | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-10-19 Israel's Loyalty Oath Exposed | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-10-23 The Destiny Of America | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-11-01 Mandate For The Tea Party | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-11-08 Bernanke's Funny Money Scam | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-11-17 Spy Deal For Israeli Freeze | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-11-19 Chertoff's TSA Death Scanners | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-11-24 The New Jewish Hit Parade | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-11-27 TSA's Zionist Food Chain | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-12-02 Food Bill's Mark Of The Beast | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-12-05 Jewish Money At Forbes 400 | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-12-07 Food Crisis Coming To America | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-12-11 The Zionists Behind FEMA Camps | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-12-14 Seats Of Jewish Power | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-12-19 Could The Military Save The Dollar | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-12-21 The Boys Behind Gold _ Silver | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-12-27 Greek Bishops Defy World Jewry | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2010-12-30 Monsanto's Zionist Bedfellows | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
Sändning | Video | Ljud |
2011-01-10 Mandate For America 2011 | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-01-12 US States Going Belly Up | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-01-15 Gold, The Dollar, The Debt | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-01-20 Kissing Zionist College Goodbye | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-01-23 Obama Tabs GE Factory-Closer | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-01-26 Obama's 'Failed' State Of The Union | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-01-31 The Jewish Spirit Of Our Times | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-02-01 Big Brother Gov Wants Your Gold! | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-02-06 Confessions Of A Former Jew | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-02-08 The Oligarchs Of Globalization | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-02-15 Symbols Of ObamaNation | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-02-17 Want A Job At Goldman Sachs | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-02-19 Obama's Paid Protesters Invade Wisconsin | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-02-21 Silver _ Coming Food Riots | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-02-23 Obama's Zionist Masters | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-02-28 America's Multicultural Nightmare | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-03-02 The Zionist Plan For Libya | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-03-08 3 Steps To The Anti-Christ | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-03-11 Hi Ho Silver! Goodbye Dollar! | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-03-16 Japan, Quakes _ The Jewish Question | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-03-19 Tel Aviv's Command To Attack Libya | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-03-21 Zionist 'Odyssey Dawning' In Africa | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-03-22 The Myth Of The Chosen People | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-03-28 The Jewish Talmud Exposed | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-03-30 The Battle For Oil In Libya | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-04-01 Big Brother At The Airport | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-04-03 The REAL Tribe SEEKING Regime Change In Libya | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-04-05 Why Did Goldstone Betray The Truth | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-04-08 The 'Obama Doctrine' Debunked | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-04-11 Why Did Fox Terminate Glenn Beck | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-04-14 Controversial Cartoons On Goldstone's Retraction | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-04-16 Goldstone's Betrayal SPARKS Political Cartoon Backlash! | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-04-18 Trump For President 2012 | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-04-26 Senator Schumer Wants Your Guns! | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-04-30 Why Obama's 'Birth Certificate' Is A Fraud | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-05-05 Presidential Picks For 2012 | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-05-09 The ADL's War On White America | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-05-17 AIPAC's Prelude To Treason 2011 | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-05-21 Mt Athos Prophecies on '666' | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-05-27 Zionist 'Thugs' Behind America's Police State | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-05-30 The Strange Case Of Dominique Strauss-Kahn | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-06-03 Growing Up Jewish | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-06-21 The Great American Disconnect | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-06-26 A Brave New Zionist World | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-07-03 My Life As An Orthodox Monk | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-07-07 The Jews Who Murdered Tsar Nicholas II | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-07-13 Goldman Sachs Betrayal Of America | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-07-18 The Difference Between Putin _ Obama | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-07-22 Did Israel's Mossad Do 9_11 | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-07-30 The Jews Who Run Capitol Hill | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-08-08 The American Dream Is Over | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-08-16 Christian Roots Of White Nations | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-08-21 How The Jews Mock Jesus Christ | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-08-27 The Jews Behind NATO's Rape Of Libya | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-09-07 America's Coming Nightmare | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-09-13 Jewish Hollywood's Fatal Embrace | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-09-19 Zionist Visions Of 1984 | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-09-24 Dangers Of A 'Jewish' State | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-10-03 Can White America Survive | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-10-10 The 'Holocaust Denial' Debate | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-10-18 Is Elie Wiesel A Fraud | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-10-24 The Meaning Of Icons | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-10-30 While The Euro _ Dollar Die | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-11-06 The Illustrated Protocols Of Zion | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-11-10 Attack On Iran Means WWIII | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-11-17 Prepare For Martial Law | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-11-23 Wall Street Boyz Occupy MF Global...Celente, Too! | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-11-30 Will The Jews Let Ron Paul Win | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
Sändning | Video | Ljud |
2011-12-07 Beauty Will Save The World | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-12-14 How The Jews Stole Christmas | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-12-20 Gingrich Grovels For The Jewish Vote | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2011-12-30 Jewry's Push To Stop Ron Paul | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-01-05 The Jews Behind The NDAA | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-01-12 The Jewish War On Vladimir Putin | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-01-19 Has Jewry Infiltrated The Local Police | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-01-23 Obama's Unshakable Bondage To Bibi | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-02-02 The New Jewish Class Wars | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-02-07 Jewry's Push For War On Iran | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-02-14 Putin Trumps Zionist Plan For Syria | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-02-23 Who's Behind The Firing Of Pat Buchanan | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-03-01 The Church VS The Synagogue | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-03-09 How Putin Will Change The World | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-03-17 Is Hillary Clinton A Zionist Shill | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-03-24 Jewish Imperialism _ The US Military | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-03-29 The Mystery Of Monastic Silence | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-04-04 SWIFT...Jewry's Weapon Of Mass Destruction | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-04-09 Kissinger _ The Jews | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-04-18 Messiah Came To Conquer Death | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-04-22 NSA's Jewish Spy Masters | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-04-29 CISPA - Internet Spy Bill Exposed | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-05-06 Who's Your Favorite Anti-Semite | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-05-10 Woody Allen's Neurotic Jewish Wasteland | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-05-13 Obama's Alleged Homosexual Past | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-05-17 Who Will Lead After Ron Paul | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-05-20 The End Of White America | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-05-27 Modern Man In A Jewish Age | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-06-03 The Jews Behind US Spy Drones | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-06-26 Why Israel Is A Threat To World Peace | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-07-01 Three Faces Of The Anti-Christ | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-07-08 America's Doomed Economy | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-07-15 Secrets Of The Synagogue | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-07-22 Obama _ UN Coming For Your Guns! | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-07-29 Putin Foils The Jews In Syria | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-08-04 Will Israel Be The Next World Power | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-08-12 Banksters _ The End Of Cash | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-08-19 Pussy Riot's Global Showdown | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-08-24 Are Jews The Chosen People | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-08-29 Homeland Security's Deadly Ammo Plan | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-09-05 Symbols Of Rachel Corrie's Murder | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-09-12 Bad News For WikiLeaks | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-09-18 Anti-Amerikan Protests Exposed | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-09-25 Judaism _ The Religion Of The Anti-Christ | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-10-02 Who Owns The Media 2012 | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-10-11 Presidential Debates...No Jobs For Johnny | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-10-15 Rabbis Against Zionism | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-10-22 Today's International Jew | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-10-29 The Obama Hoax Finally Revealed | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-11-05 How The Jews Control Elections | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-11-13 Obama's New Social Order | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-11-19 Israel...Butchers Of Gaza | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-11-27 Petraeus Under Jewry's Thumb | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-12-02 Israel Gives UN Vote The Finger | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-12-11 When Jews Rule The World | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-12-16 The Globalization Of Hanukkah | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-12-23 My Journey Into The Orthodox Church | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2012-12-31 Jews Lead Gun Control Charge | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
Sändning | Video | Ljud |
2013-01-06 What Really Happened At Sandy Hook | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-01-13 Trends To Watch In 2013 | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-01-20 A Military Coup In America | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-01-27 Why Jews Must Believe In Jesus | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-02-03 Jewish Lobby Crushes Chuck Hagel | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-02-10 Dirty Tactics Of The Jewish Lobby | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-02-18 Can Jews Be Saved | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-02-26 Satan At The Wailing Wall | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-03-06 The Return Of The Idiot | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-03-08 Exposing Zionist Christians | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-03-12 The End Of Sovereign America | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-03-19 Gun Control Fight Goes Viral! | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-03-25 Obama Puppet Goes To Israel | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-04-01 Why Jews Push Gay Marriage | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-04-16 Boston Marathon...Liberty Graveyard | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-04-21 Boston's Prelude To Martial Law | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-04-29 Why Jews Love Big Sis | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-05-07 The Coming Of The Anti-Christ | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-05-12 Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-05-26 National ID Lurks In Immigration Bill | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-05-31 McCain Meets Terrorists In Syria | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-06-03 A Religious Solution To A Jewish Problem | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-06-09 Obama's NSA Spy Op Revealed! | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-06-14 Edward Snowden...When Truth Becomes Treason | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-06-17 Obama's Jewish War On Syria | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-06-23 The Jews Who Own The Media | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-06-30 Supreme Court's Gay Marriage Agenda | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-07-04 Politically Incorrect Jewish News - 7_4_13 | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-07-07 The Great Transformation | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-07-10 Politically Incorrect Jewish News - 7_11_13 | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-07-17 Politically Incorrect Jewish News - 7_18_13 | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-07-25 Politically Incorrect Jewish News - 7_26_13 | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-07-28 Globalization And Jewish Nationalism | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-07-31 Politically Incorrect Jewish News - 8_1_13 | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-08-05 Jewish Directed Iran Sanctions Backfire | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-08-11 Dostoevsky Versus The Jews | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-08-17 Gun Grabbers Make Home Visits | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-08-27 Putin's A Game Changer! | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-08-29 Syria...Another War For The Jews | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-09-18The Kosher Seal Revealed | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-10-23 America's New Social Classes | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-10-30 Why ObamaCare Must Be Stopped | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-11-06 ObamaCare 'Code' Can't Be Fixed | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-11-13 TPP _ One World Government | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-11-19 Holocaust On Tour In Iran | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-11-28 4 Point Plan To Stop AIPAC | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-12-05 Repeal ObamaCare Impeach Obama | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-12-12 The Mugging Of America | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2013-12-20 The Fed's Pipeline To Israel | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
Sändning | Video | Ljud |
2014-01-03 Petrodollar Scam Breaking Down | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-01-15 Will A New Napoleon Arise | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-02-01 Let's Unite To End The Fed | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-02-10 National Monetary Reform Convention Now! | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-02-18 Money For People NOT Jewish Bankers | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-02-27 Do We Want A Jewish State | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-03-08 How To Become A Constitutional Expert On Money | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-03-12 The Religion Of Vladimir Putin | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-03-20 Can The Jews Stop Putin | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-03-28 Nationalist Solution To Money | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-04-01 The Real Battle For Ukraine | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-04-12 Sucking Up To Sheldon Adelson | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-04-23 The Religion Of The Future | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-05-04 'Jews For Jesus' Hypes The Holocaust | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-05-13 America's Lies On Ukraine | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-05-20 Stop The Jews From Rebuilding The Temple | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-05-30 Eurosceptics Revolt! | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-06-04 Obama's Billion Dollar Cold War Begins | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-06-11 What If Jews Ran America | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-06-15 Cantor's Out, Brat's In! | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-07-02 Has America Ceased To Exist | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-07-09 Obama Scam On Immigration | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-07-14 Gaza _ The Myth Of Israel's Right To Exist | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-07-21 Ukraine's False Flag Plane Shoot Down | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-07-29 Israel's Plan To Obliterate Gaza | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-08-03 BRICS...Breaking The Jewish Money Power | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-08-11 How Jews Justify Gaza Genocide | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-08-19 Is Michael Brown A National Hero | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-08-25 Fed's Fischer Bail-Ins Coming For Your Cash | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-09-01 The Four Curses On Judaism | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-09-09 Moral Rot Of Zionist Christians | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-09-16 Jewish War On Holy Russia | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-09-23 Is ISIS Good For The Jews | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-09-30 My Jewish Bloodlines | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-10-08 Robots Grabbing Your Job | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-10-16 A Platform For Monetary Reform | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-10-21 The Ebola Dictatorship | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-10-28 Why Judaism Is Bankrupt | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-11-05 Secrets Of Jewish Money Control | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-11-12 Zionist Christians Teach Jewish Heresy | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-11-24 Obama's Free Pass To Illegals | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-12-01 Real Money And The Jewish Dialectic | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-12-11 Who Is The True Israel | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-12-17 Return Of The Jewish Neocons | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2014-12-23 America Meets Ghost Of Christmas Future | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
Sändning | Video | Ljud |
2015-01-04 Will Hagee Have A Rapture | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-01-12 Did Mossad Do Charlie Hebdo | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-01-20 Enabling A Big Brother Future | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-01-28 Dieudonn‚ Defies Holocaust Religion! | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-02-04 Greece Resists IMF Swindle | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-02-10 America Hits Dead End In Ukraine | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-02-17 Five Faces Of Judaism | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-02-26 Bibi Comes To Capitol Hill | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-03-06 World War 3...Birth Of A Brave New World | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-03-11 Gay Marriage Or States Rights | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-03-18 Generals March To A Neocon Tune | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-03-25 What Does It Mean To Be Jewish | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-03-31 What 2020 Will Bring | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-04-06 Refuting Jews For Judaism | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-04-15 Bad Start With Hillary | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-04-21 Animal Farm For Modern Man | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-04-29 Baltimore Riots...Prelude to Urban War | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-05-07 How To Fix America | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-05-14 Russia Tips The Grand Chess Board | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-05-21 Nuland Sticks Her Nose In Minsk | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-05-26 ISIS In Greater Israel's Scheme | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-06-07 Elections For Jews Only | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-06-16 How The IMF Really Works | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-06-22 Should We Bless The Jews | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-06-29 Jewish Tyranny At Supreme Court | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-07-06 Big Brother's Forced Vaccinations | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-07-13 The Church In Same-Sex America | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-07-19 Auschwitz 'Bookkeeper' Gets Jewish Justice | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-07-22 Will Jews Kill Iran Deal | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-07-27 Trump's Got A Trump Card | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-08-04 When Trump Makes A Deal | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-08-11 Thought Police...Prison Without Bars | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-08-19 The Church In Putin's Eyes | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-08-25 Trump's Deck Of Jewish Cards | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-09-01 Bro Nathanael-If I Were President | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-09-09 Ben Carson's Fractured Foreign Policy | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-09-15 University Of Illinois 'Israel' Scandal | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-09-23 Refugee Crisis Or Political Ploy | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-10-01 Hagee's Horses Of The Apocalypse Debunked | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-10-06 The Future Belongs To Russia | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-10-14 Obama Mocked By Entire World | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-10-22 Trump's Got Plans For America | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-10-27 Why I Believe In Jesus Christ | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-11-03 GOP Warmongers Shill For Israel | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-11-12 Bad Future For Jerusalem | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-11-16 Mossad's Fingerprints On Paris Attacks | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-11-24 Why The Jews Love Hillary | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-11-30 Why Turkey Shot Down Russian Plane | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-12-07 Trump Takes The Kosher Seal | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-12-15 Hillary Slams Trump On Muslim Ban | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2015-12-20 How Putin Celebrates Christmas | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
Sändning | Video | Ljud |
2016-01-04 What To Expect In 2016 | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-01-11 Obama Rebrands Gun Control | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-01-18 What If Cruz Becomes President | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-01-28 World News Wrap Up..January 2016 | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-02-04 What Putin Can Teach Trump | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-02-04 Will Trump Be Denied The Nomination | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-02-11 How To Survive The Holocaust | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-02-23 Why Israel Gets Away With Murder | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-03-19 A Knock At Midnight | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-03-19 What You Don't See About The Antichrist | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-04-04 What If Our Jobs Don't Come Back | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-04-11 Layers Of Jewish Power | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-04-16 Are You A Boy Or Are You A Girl | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-04-23 Trump Ransacks Hillary's Foreign Policy | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-04-28 Night Of The Living Dead | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-05-06 Will Trump Defy The Jewish Lobby | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-05-15 The Riddle Of Jewish Success | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-05-24 If Prince Was Your Girlfriend | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-05-30 How Jews Talk | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-06-05 Trump's Catch 22 Military Policy | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-06-23 The Constitution's Fatal Flaw | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-07-05 Who Will Replace Elie Wiesel | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-07-14 Bernie Joins The Bar Mitzvah | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-07-17 The Travesty Of Justice Ginsburg | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-07-22 Who's Applauding Internet Censorship | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-07-26 Trump Plays The LGBTQ Card | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-08-04 Gen Allen's Insane Democrat War Cry | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-08-15 How Jews Lost The Lord's Prayer | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-08-24 Can Trump Get The Black Vote | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-08-31 Khizr Khan As Democratic Hit Man | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-09-14 Is Hillary Clinton The Antichrist | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-09-20 Hillary Clinton Wants Your Guns! | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-09-25 Is Putin Controlling US Elections | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-09-29 How The Trump-Clinton Debate Was Rigged | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-10-05 Let's Make 9_11 'Jewish Remembrance Month!' | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-10-12 US 'False Flag' Against Russia Puts Hillary In | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-10-20 Trump Drains The Swamp In Final Debate | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-10-25 Trump In The Eye Of The Storm | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-11-01 What A Hillary Presidency Would Bring | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-11-11 President Trump | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-11-16 Will Trump Break The Media | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-11-28 Synagogue And State Slays America | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-12-09 Trump's 'Mad Dog' Military Policy | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-12-14 How Rex Tillerson Corrupted The Boy Scouts | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2016-12-19 When The Antichrist Comes | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
Sändning | Video | Ljud |
2017-01-05 My Jewish Past | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2017-01-08 Don't Move The Embassy Mr Trump! | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2017-01-15 Trump's First 100 Days | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2017-01-25 Trump Takes A Dip In The Jewish Swamp | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2017-01-31 'Mad Dog' Mattis Barks At Russia | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2017-02-09 If Putin's A Killer-America's A Butcher | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2017-02-14 Trump Fights Israel's War On Iran | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2017-02-22 Jewish Facial Recognition | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2017-02-28 Why Don't The Rabbis Believe In Jesus | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2017-03-06 How Trump Can Beat The Deep State | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2017-03-12 America's Two Minutes Of Hate | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |
2017-03-18 The Partisan | Video.mp4 | Ljud.mp3 |